Sunday, May 1, 2022

Gateway 2000 4DX2-66

 Gateway 2000 4DX2-66

This was my parent’s computer and they passed it down to me when they upgraded to a new computer. This is my main 486 machine. It is set up to run DOS 5.0, WFW3.11, and Win95 using System Commander. I also added OS/2 1.3.

I was able to get this machine on the internet with a dial-up adapter and I later added an Ethernet card. I can access my LAN from DOS, WWFW3.11 and Win95. 

I have this machine connected to my DOS PC’s using LapLink cables. If I need to copy a lot of files to one of the old PC’s I can move them here first using the LAN and then use LapLink to move the files to the PC. Laplink serial cable to XT/286 (COM2 to COM2) and same cable shared with Tandy 1000HD (COM2 to COM1). Parallel cable to PB VX88 (LPT1 to LPT1).

I also have this computer sharing a screen, keyboard, and mouse with the IBM PS/1 using a KVM switch.

I tried installing FileZilla on this machine but it would not work. I ended up using WS_FTP and it works fine.

I removed most of the application programs when I reformatted this machine for multi-booting. The Presentation Manager is still setup in WFW3.11 but most of the links are broken and most of the programs no longer exist on the hard drive. Mostly file management applications are left and I use them to move files to other machines (and mostly from DOS and Win95). WFW3.11 was setup for dial-up. Now when I start Windows 3.11 I get a message saying the network is not started. The network works in Win95.

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